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Goblins are a race of magical humanoid beings with sharp wits and long fingers and feet. They have a long and bloody history with human kind. Goblins have their own language, called gobbledegook and are adept blacksmiths, known for creating weapons and magical artifacts.



Part goblin, Filius Flitwick

Part goblins are magical hot springs, with endless potential. On the other hand, they are quite frail and social outcasts to both goblins and humans. Part Goblins are curious beings. Goblin blood acts quite differently than all other demi humans. While other demi humans get weaker the less percentage they are, part goblins can retain their full capabilities for several generations. It is a recessive gene that will lie dormant (even up to six generations) before presenting itself, and when it does you will get a child who shares many key characteristics with their goblin ancestors. Because of this it is entirely possible for a couple (with one having a Goblin ancestor) to have a human child and a part goblin child. They are not classified as part goblin unless the gene is dominant in them.


Goblins are short in stature humanoids with very sharp, angular features, pointed ears, sharp teeth, solid black eyes, and long fingers. Only those who the gene presents strongly in will have recognizable goblin features. They will usually be shorter in nature (though not as short as their ancestor. Average height for a manifested part goblin is about five feet.), will have unusually dark eyes and sometimes solid black, sharper teeth then normal (but not quite as sharp as their ancestors.), pointed ears, and long fingers. They have a very elfish look to them.


Part goblins age quite peculiarly, in the sense that their sharp features can make them quite difficult to accurately age. Because of their naturally shorter stature they are not a physically intimidating folk and can be mistaken for being younger if they aren't into their elderhood (and wrinkling.). They are naturally frailer than the average human (which has lead to disfigurement in full and part goblins.). But, they have very good eye sight and hearing. Both these senses are heightened above that of an average human.

Because of how frail they are part goblins are unable to play contact sports (such as quidditch) professionally. They are simply too big a liability on the field because of how easily they can be permanently injured.


While Goblins have their own form of magic no part Goblin is taught any of it. Regardless, part Goblins do inherit a unusually high level of intelligence and a sharp wit. Almost always a part Goblin will be sorted into Ravenclaw due to this natural born brilliance. They particularly excel in magical items and enchantments (like their Goblin relatives).They are also magically hardy against heat and fire, not immune but they do not burn easily. What will leave third degree burns on most will only leave first degree burns on a part goblin. In all, part Goblins are extremely magically gifted in most ways. They excel and adapt to all forms of magic with surprising ease.


Obviously, their stature and physical capabilities are a negative. They are frailer, and their shorter legs make it harder to keep up with full sized companions. Like their ancestors, most part Goblins are greedy to some extent, which doesn't help their image of being untrustworthy. Since they are so receptive to magic as a whole though, this does make them a little... vulnerable to magic. Spells will affect them much faster than a normal person, and potentially be much more powerful against them.


Goblins and humans have been at odds for hundreds of years, and this turmoil still continues to this day. Only instead of actual wars they battle over finances. The Goblins are seen as vital but subservient members of society, which has led to extreme discrimination against their part human offspring. The obvious part goblins are treated poorly, and often have to deal with people not understanding that the wand they carry is in fact their own (since Goblins are not permitted wands), and that they are in fact part human. At the same time, many full blooded goblins see part goblins as stains in their society and treated like outcasts (which is why part goblins are not trained in Goblin magic). In all, part Goblins are both outcasts to humans and Goblins.
